The Program consists of three components; 1) Forest Assessment, 2) GIS and Information management and 3) Concession standards. The main counterpart is the GoSS, at central and state levels. The Land Resource Survey and Information Center (LRSIC) have been set up to implement the program. One main goal is to establish LRSIC as a semi-autonomous institute for collection, analysis and reporting on land- and forest information.
The Forest Assessment activity has focused on inventory of planted forests. Throughout the previous century, only hindered by periods of civil war, in central forest reserves teak (Tectona grandis) was established. The program has trained foresters and implemented inventories for management planning. Thematic maps using GIS have been produced, and a software for storing and calculation of data introduced. A total of 4 detailed inventories and 2 «rapid assessments» have been produced.
Foreign investors are approaching different levels of the South Sudan government in order to secure access and right to economically benefit from land resources, including forests. Farmers and other entrepreneurs face a complicated bureaucracy when attempting to plant trees. The Program supports GoSS through broad-based stakeholder involvement, to prepare standards and templates for land lease- and concession agreements, as well as procedures for obtaining harvesting licenses.
One key means to achieving the program goal would be to consolidate LRSIC as the key institute for land resource and forest information. Main outputs of the second program phase would be:
– A system for management of agriculture and environmental information
– A training program and -modules for forest planning and management
– Preparation of a National Forest Inventory for South Sudan
– Assessments of planted forest reserves with potential for wood production
– GIS and data management systems