Prosjekter internationalt

Bosnia (2000-2001)

23. august 2017

Forest Management Planning Study – World Bank Forestry Project in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


23. august 2017

Preparation of an Integrated Management Plan for the Pafos Forest. Project funded the EEA and Norway Grants.

Estonia (2007)

23. august 2017

Inventory and management analysis of juniper woods within the West-Estonian Archipelago Biosphere Reserve. Project funded by the EEA and Norway Grants.

Russia (1997)

23. august 2017

Sustainable Forestry Pilot Project – objectives to address strategic forest planning and selected reform issues:  Activity I: «Identification of a Forest Sector Regulatory System.» Activity III: «Development of a Forest Health and Protection Strategy.»

FAO (2010-2011)

23. august 2017

NORSKOG prepared courses and educational resources for executives and managers within «REDD+ MRV and Monitoring» for FAO (Climate, Energy and Tenure Division at the Natural Resources Management and Environment Department) in Rome, Italy. This mission included preparing a meeting in Cancun, Mexico (Nov. 2010), a pilot course for FAO staff in Rome, Italy (Mar. 2011)…


23. august 2017

NORSKOG managed project within the HEUREKA programme at SLU, Umeå. The forest growth simulator together with forest sector models were reviewed and researched. Earlier missions within HEUREKA programme included forest fuel investigations for the Swedish forest industry and forest valuation tasks for Swedish investors.

Kosovo (2006)

23. august 2017

NORSKOG participated in the project «Support to Forest Management Planning with Geographic Information System», funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.     The first phases of the project were focusing how to make forest management plans in Kosovo, based on new technology, and modern principles for forest management. Later on we were focusing implementation…

Montenegro (2009-2011)

23. august 2017

NORSKOG  was leading partner within Norwegian Forestry Group and this project focused on capacity building and development of new Nature Based Tourism products in cooperation with the local tourist entrepreneurs. NORSKOG also assisted in marketing Nature Based Tourism in Montenegro through websites and test tours with tourist agencies and tourist magazines. In addition, we assisted…