Prosjekter internationalt
Panama (2000-2001)
Program for sustainable development – forest policy design and strategy development.
Honduras (2004-2005)
Preparation of a management plan for the tri-national National Park Monte Cristo in Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, in association with the lead partner NORPLAN AS, Norway.
Belize (2001-2002)
Rehabilitation of forest reserve and design and implementation of management plan. Project together with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in Belize.
Zimbabwe (1999-2002)
Co-operation with the Forestry Commission on Zimbabwe Environmental Sector Programme.
Tanzania (2001)
Tanzania Forest Conservation and Management Project – World Bank appraisal mission.
Uganda (2009-2013)
Institutional strengthening of Uganda Timber Growers Association.
South Sudan
The Program consists of three components; 1) Forest Assessment, 2) GIS and Information management and 3) Concession standards. The main counterpart is the GoSS, at central and state levels. The Land Resource Survey and Information Center (LRSIC) have been set up to implement the program. One main goal is to establish LRSIC as a semi-autonomous…
Armenia (2006-2009)
Between 2006-2008, NORSKOG provided consulting services related to community forest management – with a specific focus on reduction of illegal logging and improved local environment in Armenia.
Tajikistan (2008-2009)
Training on development and implementation of educational model for countrywide vocational training with focus on forest and environmental management issues in Tajikistan. The project developed a countrywide model in Tajikistan for vocational training and also developed education materials. Pilot courses were implemented in the area of Ramit national park together with the Tadjik partner organisations.
Kyrgyzstan (2009)
Leading Forestry Sector Programme focused on the sustainable economic growth in the Kyrgyz rural areas through initiatives and involvement of the private sector and local communities in forest and agriculture related activities. The program contributed to a reformulation of the forest code and established the Association of the Forest and Land Users. This association is…
Serbia and Montenegro (2003-2006)
Between 2003-2004, NORSKOG was leading Forestry Sector Programme focused on the establishment of the National Forest Inventory (pilot study) and introduction of GIS in forest management planning in Serbia. During the same period, we were participating in Forest Industry Rehabilitation Study to provide the public and private sectors with a company profile for business development…