Prosjekter internationalt
Sweden (2019)
Valuation and purchase due diligence of forestry assets ~ 350,000 hectares.
Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden and Finland (2017-2020)
Annual valuations of biological assets for Timber Investment Management Organization (TIMO) ~ 54,000 hectares in total.
Estonia and Latvia (2020)
Annual forest appraisal according to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). We appraised over 12,000 ha in Estonia and 40,000 ha in Latvia.
Latvia (2020)
Valuation of 4,450 hectares of productive forestland in Latvia. The tasks included the forest data analysis (bottom up) of the forest resources.
Estonia (2019)
Valuation and purchase due diligence of productive forests, including field control ~ 10,000 ha
Latvia (2019)
Purchase due diligence and valuation of productive forests for various Clients ~ 30,000 ha
Ghana (2008)
Analysis on the potential investment and development of a jatropha plantations.
Bulgaria (2007)
On behalf of investors, NORSKOG completed an analysis of the real estate market in Bulgaria. The analysis included identification of relevant regions for investment in forest land in relation to type of forests, location of wood consuming industry and existing infrastructure. The investment project also included valuation and price negotiations of forest estates for sale.